Monday, October 26, 2009

The books that most influenced my reading and writing.

Good morning,

Since the subjects of reading and writing can hardly be keep too separate, I thought today I'd list my top most influential books, mostly older. I’d love to hear which books most influenced you. Here goes:

The eleven most influential books I’ve read (I couldn't stop at ten.):

Last and First Men                     Olaf Stapledon

Foundation Series                      Isaac Asimov

Stranger in a Strange Land         Robert Heinlein

Brave New World                       Aldous Huxley

Childhood's End                         Arthur C. Clarke

Lord of the Rings Trilogy           JRR Tolkien

I Ching                                      Unknown

The Book                                   Alan Watts

Narcissus and Goldmund‎              Hermann Hesse

The Stand                                  Stephen King

The Mote in God's Eye                Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle



  1. Mmm, Those are some of my choices, too.

    Brave New World Aldous Huxley
    1984 George Orwell
    Dune Frank Herbert
    LOTR JRR Tolkein
    Scottish Play Shakespere (Yes, I know the name and I don't want the bad luck.)
    Troilus and Cresside Chaucher
    Day of the Triffeds John Wyndham
    Handmaid's Tale Margaret Attwood
    Mists of Avalon Marian Zimmer Bradley
    Witch Worlds Andre Norton

    Elizabeth H.

  2. It's amazing how similar our influences are when it comes to F&SF. I might have picked 'The City and the Stars' over Childhood's End (which I also loved), and 'Time Enough For Love' and 'Starship Troopers' were two other big Heinlein influences in addition to SiaSL. And I would have added 'More Than Human' (Theodore Sturgeon), 'End of Eternity' (Asimov) and 'Dune' (the first book only) to round up my 'classic SF' influences.

  3. I guess those most of our influences are at least half similar to yours! Here's mine.

    Lord of the Rings Trilogy JRR Tolkien
    Dune Frank Herbert
    LOTR JRR Tolkein
    More Than Human' (Theodore Sturgeon), '
    Left Hand of Darkness, Ursula Leguin
    Jack Vance Demon Princes and World of Adventure
    Nine Princes of Amber ( Zelazny)
    Darkover Series, Marion Zimmer Bradley
    Larry Niven's Known Space books and stories, definitely Ringworld
    John Christopher's Tripod series – read that as a kid before I knew sf existed.



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